Creating A Change Of Environment
At AMANAH, we understand that it's not easy being responsible for someone with mental health or physical health ailments. If you need someone to talk to, or support in staying positive, our multi-disciplinary team are here to listen.
We offer group counselling for families and friends, as well as one-on-one counselling for individual carers who need guidance and support. Get in touch to arrange your bespoke session today.

Caring for someone affected by an eating disorder can be quite challenging, frustrating and emotional. It's easy to say the wrong thing and make a situation worse, learning how to navigate sensitivity and communication is essential to build a trusting relationship.

The staff at AMANAH support care givers, guardians or family members with educational resources to equip them with the knowledge of how someone with an eating disorder might present or behave. Often the person may not even be aware that they have any issues with eating or body image, so learning how to confront or communicate is key to building rapport and trust.

There are a number of services that can be contacted within the regions that an individual is residing in. Services can range from GP, charity organization, educational institutions or National Health Service. Please choose the one most suited to your needs.
Have you used our counsellors before? We'd appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave our team some honest feedback on how you found our sessions. We're always trying to improve our service and take a lot of pride in our work.